On Sept. 10, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing centered on the NY response; specifically former Governor Andrew Cuomo's actions surrounding nursing homes that killed over 9,000 elderly individuals.
The big takeaway: Cuomo lied about his March 25 directive and his staff said he intentionally edited the report to deflate the number of nursing home deaths.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo allegedly himself “edited” a state report that deflated New York’s COVID-19 death toll in nursing homes — which his top aides pressured health officials into releasing, despite knowing the issue would turn into a “great debacle,” according to the stunning results of an investigation by a US House committee.
Cuomo “absolutely” signed off on the disastrous directive early in the pandemic forcing coronavirus patients back into nursing homes — leading to as many as 9,000 excess COVID deaths — the final congressional report and witness testimonies exclusively obtained by The Post show.
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic conducted the probe and majority staff released the findings ahead of a public hearing with the 66-year-old ex-governor on Tuesday, charging his office with making several “demonstrably false” statements and engaging in a “cover-up.”
More To The Story
Of all the questioning, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) used her time well and confronted Cuomo over his claims and the nursing home death counts.
Additionally, families of those killed by Cuomo's fatal nursing home directive called him a "lying sack of shit."
Press Releases:
Chairman Wenstrup Opens Hearing with Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
Read the Select Subcommittee’s cover letter here and subpoena here.
Full hearing video: